04 March 2009


I continue to repel men. Like bug spray.

Like many young women out there, my primary belief about relations between men and women came from none other than "When Harry met Sally."
I'm considering shifting my guidebook to something more along the lines of "He's Just Not That into You," which as a film doesn't even come close to the genius of Harry and Sally, but as a philosophy...who knows.
Basically, men and women can't be friends.
Except they can because (and this is the part they never tell you) sometimes he really just isn't interested.
I guess I should have been better prepared for this possibility.

01 March 2009

Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my!

So my housemate, R, has some friends over. One of them I know and don't much like, and the other I don't know. They're science people. R and C, who was also at dinner, grew up in the great wilderness, on farms. R raises sheep...I don't think C farms animals, but she has pets, which is basically the same thing.
The thing about me is I don't much like animals.
I don't really see the need to distinguish among them. I don't eat pork because it isn't kosher, not because of some belief in the similarities between myself and Babe (or similar.)
The conversation at dinner, I have no earthly idea why, was about dead animals.
The idea of dead animals doesn't gross me out at all. I'm not especially eager to see roadkill up close and personal if you know what I mean, but thinking about it isn't a problem. Then again, I also don't need to brag about my encounters with dead animals. Or animals of any kind. Why? Because I DO NOT CARE. I don't. I believe there is no section of human life about which I don't care quite like animals. And it doesn't have to do with the environment. I actually quite like the environment, I'm not someone who advocates chopping down rain forests despite the animals and birds or whatever that are living there. I just think that the best thing people could do for animals is leave them alone.
I don't know. My brother had gerbils and mice or whatever growing up; every single one chewed through its plastic caging in order to escape. My cousin has a rat now, same exact thing. I watched it last time I was at her house. The thing knows what its doing. It chewed right at the clasp of its cage. It wasn't hungry, it wanted to escape. Dogs are the same, but far, far stupider. I guess I don't mind cats that much. Anyway, I can't imagine really why anyone would want a pet. I just think owning animals and keeping them in cages is sad. Maybe its just me.
In a similar vein, the stranger-girl at dinner was telling a story about people in China eating dogs. Everyone in the room was aghast. Whatever, I don't care. I'd eat a dog if one was put in front of me. Probably I wouldn't eat the whole thing, but I wouldn't refuse to try it on moral grounds.
There was only one person in the room who doesn't eat meat, so I couldn't understand why this group of people who has no objection to eating cows, pigs, chickens, whatever, had such a visceral reaction to the idea of eating dogs. They're dumber and more annoying than cows and pigs.

The evening culminated, basically, in C, who I am very good friends with, trying to tell me a story about how her dog died in November and they couldn't bury it because the ground was frozen. I actually cut her off. I felt bad, but I don't know what the response to "my dog died" is. I had an imagine while she was telling this story of her telling it and me standing there, not sad like she wanted me to be, but just eager for it to end. So whatever, I cut her off. She knows I don't like animals.

I don't think this makes me a bad person either. I think a person who is fine eating beef but can't stomach the idea of someone halfway around the world eating a dog is a hypocrite. I think animals would be better off if they lived not in cages and not with people. My favorite animal is the elephant. You show me a dead squirrel in the street, my first reaction isn't going to be "how sad" but rather "how do I not get squirrel guts on my shoes?" I don't know. People whose pets mean as much to them as their parents do just don't make sense to me.

That is all, end of rant.