27 September 2008

Oil Thigh Na Banrighinn

So, for reasons mostly long-forgotten (if there were reasons at all), I decided to come to a university whose school song is in, yes, Gaelic. Our team is the Gaels, the mascot also being a Gael, the band preforms in full kilts, and the cheerleaders wear traditional-style cheerleading uniforms as you would see in most US high schools...but they're trimmed in red tartan. Upon coming to the school, students receive Tams, Scottish hats with pom-poms on them (the color of the pom-pom correlates to the program you are in: ArtSci is red, Engineering is gold, etc.) Our school song is the Oil Thigh, the refrain to which is Cha Gheill!, pernounced Kay-Ya, and meaning "No surrender."

All this to say that homecoming is tomorrow, and I am very excited. The engineers dye themselves purple and storm the field. The band (including Jake, who lives next-door and plays the bagpipe in the school marching band) will preform. And everyone, yes, everyone, will sing the Oil Thigh in the traditional Gaelic.

Also, we're playing Western in the football game tomorrow, so we'll see how it goes.

26 September 2008

Left Behind

So people keep leaving me behind. We'll make plans and decide to do something together, and then they'll go do it without me. And then inevitably when they come back and I ask them what happened, they say I told them I didn't want to go, or similar.
I'm concerned about a possible split personality disorder.

21 September 2008

Damn Yankees

The New York Times actually made me weep today. Weep. Not a lone tear but rather soaked tissues, runny nose weeping. Why, you may ask. No, not because the world is going to shit and they've finally exposed it in a front page article, because the front page of the times today (or at least, the top story on their website (www.nytimes.com) this evening) wasn't about the world or the state of international affairs at all.
It was about the Yankees.
Yes, I have wept, I have sobbed, because of the closing of Yankee Stadium.
I feel like a legit grown-up now...

19 September 2008

Canada, Part Due

I am a v. bad blogger, you have my apologies.
Actually, nobody reads this, so it doesn't much matter that I haven't blogged in several weeks.
I don't think I've commented on the very famous Ms. Palin as yet, nor have I properly conveyed the emerging truth that is the Frozen Wasteland to you.
So, I will spare a few words on Ms. Palin: I think that people, and especially the liberal media, are making too big a deal out of her. If she is a joke, which I don't think she is, it will be made clear to everyone that she isn't worthy of the position. If she is legit, the best way to disqualify her from people's minds isn't to make it out as if she's a punchline, its to teach people about why she doesn't deserve their votes. Which brings me to point number two, which is that she isn't actually running for President. I've seen her compared in several places to Barack Obama (ie, Obama is so experienced compared to Palin, he's so old compared to her, etc.) when in fact, Obama should be compared to McCain, and Ms. Palin should be comared to Joe Biden, who I have heard almost nothing about since the end of the DNC several weeks ago. I find this distressing, because I feel I might like Biden, were I to be told anything about him.
Granted, I am in Canada, where we don't get real news.

The second item I wanted to discuss is totally unrelated, and as such I feel deserves its own post, though I don't know when I'll be back on.
So be patient and you may get some news again, you know, in the future.
If I don't forget.
Or have too much work.