19 September 2008

Canada, Part Due

I am a v. bad blogger, you have my apologies.
Actually, nobody reads this, so it doesn't much matter that I haven't blogged in several weeks.
I don't think I've commented on the very famous Ms. Palin as yet, nor have I properly conveyed the emerging truth that is the Frozen Wasteland to you.
So, I will spare a few words on Ms. Palin: I think that people, and especially the liberal media, are making too big a deal out of her. If she is a joke, which I don't think she is, it will be made clear to everyone that she isn't worthy of the position. If she is legit, the best way to disqualify her from people's minds isn't to make it out as if she's a punchline, its to teach people about why she doesn't deserve their votes. Which brings me to point number two, which is that she isn't actually running for President. I've seen her compared in several places to Barack Obama (ie, Obama is so experienced compared to Palin, he's so old compared to her, etc.) when in fact, Obama should be compared to McCain, and Ms. Palin should be comared to Joe Biden, who I have heard almost nothing about since the end of the DNC several weeks ago. I find this distressing, because I feel I might like Biden, were I to be told anything about him.
Granted, I am in Canada, where we don't get real news.

The second item I wanted to discuss is totally unrelated, and as such I feel deserves its own post, though I don't know when I'll be back on.
So be patient and you may get some news again, you know, in the future.
If I don't forget.
Or have too much work.

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