01 May 2009

As time drags on...

One might become very jealous upon hearing that my summer break stretches from mid-April until mid-September. A full five months of relaxing on the beach eating watermelon and drinking...lemonade, in my American homeland.

In fact, I'm dreading the upcoming four months. (The half of April has been eliminated due to it having already passed, and I'm going back to school two full weeks early in September because I just can't stand the thought of being here any longer than is absolutely necessary. So four months.) I'm traveling too much this summer (four weeks in May/June, two weeks in July, two weeks in August, plus probably another two in June) to get a real job, so I have gone groveling (not) back to my longtime position at the Ice Cream Shop. Thrilling, all around. In fact, I quite enjoy serving delectable treats to strangers, and upon receiving a raise this summer, don't mind the work at all. Here's the catch: This is not a full-time position. So far I've worked...seven hours in a week. Which has resulted in my days looking more or less like this:

11am, wake up to the dulcet tones of construction men in my house
noon, feed. Then surf whats on television
3pm, brother comes home, annoys me
5pm, nap
7pm, dinner with fam, including Turk
730pm back to television
2am bed

This is a very healthy daily schedule (NOT) and also makes the most out of my time (NOT). Sometimes to change things up I do errands with my father, including grocery shopping. Actually, I hate grocery stores. A lot. I've decided to practice my guitar every day (I'm awful at it, I usually practice for ten minutes and then get discouraged) and to exercise every day (pogostick). Neither of these are likely to happen. Even reading a book seems like too bloody much effort while the TV remote is right here next to me.

The point of this post is to say that I am wasting away in an American wasteland where there is nothing to do (seriously, I just called someone I know who happens to be around right now and we decided to get together this afternoon and then thought for five minutes about what we could possibly do together. Result: I'm going to go watch television and be a bum at HER house.) I want to go back to the NORTH!
Despite the weather.
This sucks.
The end.

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