12 August 2008

The Veepstakes

Apparently, and I definitely don't claim to be as informed about this subject as other people, mostly because I don't care that much, but apparently Barack Obama is planning on making an announcement about his running mate this week. Or in the near future, anyway. As far as I can understand, he made the announcement that he was planning on making an announcement by way of letting all his closest friends know that "they would be the first to know" about his decision...by way of text message.
Now, I'm going to know who the Democratic nominee for Vice President is when either the New York Times or CNN announces it. Unless Senator Obama decides to be a real gentleman about the decision and interrupts the Olympics on NBC. (As we all know, the Junior Senator from Illinois is a bit of a spotlight hog, and the odds are fairly good that about a week into Olympic coverage he will be missing it.) My brother, however, will know "first thing," as his loyalty to Senator Obama extends rather farther than my own, and he has signed up to receive this ground-breaking text message.
Cellphones are far too pervasive in our society.

My brother the Obama supporter wants Bill Richardson to be the Vice President. I may know very little about the Obama campaign, but I do know enough about politics to know that Governor Richardson, of whom I am a fan, at least more of a fan than I am about Obama, wouldn't be that good a choice of a running mate for Obama.
I pointed this out to my brother, who seems to think that Obama is going to have a hard time winning the Hispanic vote away from the oldest and whitest of old white men, Senator McCain.

Everyone is stupid in an election year. (I am a huge WestWing fan, which is where the quote comes from.) In fact, the problem is that in an election year the stupid people simply become more vocal than they are in a normal year, and so you have the opportunity to see how truly stupid the general populous is.
I don't mean to rag on my little brother in this, my mostly anonymous(ish) blog which nobody reads anyway, but I do so hate it when people speak as if they know what they are talking about when in fact they have very little knowledge or even original thought on the topic.

The nub and gist of the thing is that I'm looking forward to the announcement of running-mates, if only to shut up those who are speculating.
I ought to be finished, as this has been far too long a blog posting for my own good, however, I would like to, for a moment, say that where I was working this summer we had a pool of potential vice presidential nominees. In filling it out, I and another girl looked each candidate or potential-candidate up online in at least one, but more often several places, and evaluated their benefit to their party's ticket, etc. And even then, I still didn't know enough about them to speak about it like I knew what I was talking about.
I hope my brother is wrong, and that the Governor of New Mexico, who I would have liked to see win the Democratic nomination, won't be chosen to run as a second to the Senator from Illinois. It would be bad, I think, for the Democrats, and bad for the Governor himself. However, he might make a good VP.

Ah, America.

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