30 July 2008


I have arrived in the land of the Frozen Tundra.
Actually, its quite nice in Kingston, ON in the summer months. A little empty, but thats to be expected with school out of session. I've been staying in the house where I plan to live in the fall--its not quite what I'd expected, but its certainly nice. Livable. At least, after we've moved in, furnished and decorated I expect it will be. It needs some homey touches, thats all. (Its like the three pigs house. Its wood, and kind of crumbly on the outside, and next-door is fancy brick, v. nice house. Thats how it goes, though.) The location is what makes it so great--two seconds from campus, and a hop skip and jump away from downtown. Fabulous. My room is 7'x8.5'. which is tiny, really. It'll fit a bed, though, I measured to make sure. (I couldn't tell just looking at it.) So thats set.
Also, yesterday I opened a Canadian bank account. Made me feel like a real grown-up. Love it.

Anyway, I can't wait to move here in three weeks. Canada is going to be a great place to live.

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