04 February 2009


So I tend to have these long conversations with my best friend, B. She called tonight and was upset that she had drifted apart from an old friend of hers.
I don't know what to do in these situations. I had what could either be called a fight or a rational conversation with an old friend of mine a few months ago, the result of which being that we haven't spoken since. Not being someone with such a plethora of friends that I can just toss them around like...things you toss around, I was unhappy to lose her as a friend. On the other hand, our friendship was definitely not healthy, nor had it been for years. This is key: I didn't like her all that much.
Apparently I gave B some wise advice awhile back which I of course don't remember at all, which was that when such a thing happens you have to step back an evaluate the friendship. Sometimes friendships don't work, and if it isn't working, then what can you do?
On the other hand, part of me thinks there must be a better way. I dunno.

Anyway, B is coming in 10 days and we are going to NYC to have the time of our lives for a week. As part of this we're going to see some old friends of mine who currently reside in that neck of the woods. We'll see how it goes.
I'm excited.

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