29 June 2008

You're So Vain

The fact of the matter is that my roommates eat approximately three times as much as I eat at any given time. Which is fine, except they complain about how much they eat/how fat they are/etc. and work out all the time. Which is, again, fine. Except I can't even begin to express how much I don't care. I eat approx. one legit meal a day (v. anorexic of me) and don't work out ever. I mean, I walk to work (1 mile each way) and then some every day, but I'm basically eating the same amount as I always have and should really not feel so anorexic.

Furthermore, there isn't ever any food in my room (which I don't understand, as we def. purchase groceries twice a week) and I've lost about as much weight as I lost in the first few weeks of living in England (aka a LOT)

Anyway, the nub and gist of the thing is that if you're going to eat all the time, please don't complain about it, and if you're going to work out all the time, the correct thing to do after is NOT to scarf down lots of not good for you food.

End of unintelligible rant.

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