30 June 2008

God Only Knows What I'd Be Without You.

My roommates were talking about their best friends earlier. I think one of them used the term "Besties" which makes me kind of ill, but whatever. They were talking about how they couldn't live without their best friends. About how that was their other half, their life-mate. Which made me really sad.
Here's the story:

I was best-friendless from the end of fifth grade, when I moved away from my first best friend, until this year (my first year in university) when I met another best friend.
I keep to my original policy, though, that one cannot have two best friends, no matter what they tell you. BF1 and I wouldn't (and aren't) still be best friends. We'd've drifted, I can tell when I talk to her. I still love her, I always will, and she's still a wonderful person who was with me for a big part of my life, but I can't image being as close with her as I was when we were young. We're two very different people, and its good that we are. We're both happy with who we are, and with where we've gotten in our lives. She'll be at my wedding, and I expect I'll be at hers, but save for major events like that and little happenings when I'm in her town or visa-versa, we won't see each other much. The person who you are best friends with when you are young isn't like the person who turns out to be your best friend as a young adult. And I expect the person who is your best friend as a full-grown adult is different still.

My best friend now (or at least, the person who was my best friend this year, I don't know what will happen in the future) is someone who makes me understand what my roommates were saying about how hard it is to live without your best friend. My best friend lives in Vancouver. She is going to school in British Columbia next year, which would be great, except UVic, where she's going, is like, 3,000 miles from Queen's, where I'm going.

She's a lot more tough than I am, and though I'd seen her cry before, it caught me WAY off guard when she broke down when saying goodbye to me when we left school. Totally broke down. And then I did too, of course. We didn't think we'd ever see one another again. The people I was travelling with after we left had to talk to me for a long time about how we were two of the most stubborn people ever, and if we wanted to see one another again, we would. And as fate had it, we did. We met up in London a month later, and spent all of eight hours together. I got to meet her mother.

And now I haven't seen her in, what, six weeks. Which sucks for me, nine times. And for her, too, probably. And she's in Canada, which means I can't call on my cellphone, I have to use Skype. And she's in Vancouver, so there's a time difference issue. Basically I haven't spoken to my best friend in many weeks.

So for once I could relate to what my roommates were talking about.

This sucks. At least I have several million excellent memories with her. And pictures...

Yeah, this sucks.

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