23 July 2008

Screen on the Green

So I went to the Mall (the National Mall, where the Smithsonians are, not a shopping mall) yesterday to see a movie as part of the Screen on the Green series. The movie was something with Robert Redford that I didn't much like, I left early, but all this is beside the point which is as follows: the US government, as I may have mentioned in previous blog posts, sucks. This time, the reason is as follows: HBO sets up a huge screen on the lawn every Monday for movies. Many, many of the hundreds of college-age interns living in DC over the summer turn up to sit on the grass and watch the movie, which begins at dusk. Unfortunately, however, the screen is right in front of the Capital building, which remains brightly lit all night, not only making it difficult to watch the movie, but also wasting a really large amount of electricity unnecessarily. Therefore, another reason why the US government sucks.

In other news, apparently the Kool-Aid has worn off of my Senator from Illinois, Barack Obama.
Thank God, I'm moving to Canada.

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